Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of school! *sob*

Haleigh did so great today... She had new shoes, and her shiny new (and huge!) backpack with her 'homework' in it. I took her to work with me for a few minutes this morning to kill some time, where she fell in love with a giant bunny (whoops), then we were off to the pre-school.

I definitely cried more than she did... She bounced off to play and barely said goodbye to me! But when I returned to pick her up, she was not happy to see me at all, and pouted the whole way back to the babysitter's. Most of that was because she was ready for lunch and a nap though, I suspect.

But I think she's going to do great! Hayden was really happy when I brought her back to him at the sitter, but then he had to say goodbye to me again! Oh poor baby, so tough!
Sent from my BlackBerry Smartphone provided by Alltel

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