Thursday, September 18, 2008

And a Partridge in a Pear Tree...

Both kiddos had well-checks yesterday afternoon... Haleigh's was long overdue (tax season! I swear!) and Hayden was about a month late. But they're both healthy and happy and growing just fine.

Haleigh is in the 25th percentile for both weight (30 lbs) and height, she got one vaccine which she was so brave for, and her ears still look great. We did get a referral to a pediatric cardiologist though, to do an echo on her heart to make sure it isn't too close to her breast bone. Like her dad, her little chest caves inward, called something like pectus excavatum, and it would be good to get a baseline test done so they can take action quicker if the condition worsens. Right now she's not having any pain or trouble breathing. She spiked quite a fever last night due to that vaccine I assume, but seems better this morning.

Hayden is also in the 25th percentile for both weight (21 lbs) and height, and he got three vaccines, about which he screamed his widdle head off. His foot is much better and not turned out hardly at all anymore... he just needed to start walking. He takes about 4 steps at a time alone, and he's really good at walking along a wall. He was kind of grouchy last night, but a dose of Tylenol around dinner time helped and he ended up sleeping all night in his own bed. Wow!

Of course our doctor's office changed over to paperless medical records YESTERDAY, so the staff was extra slow in processing everything and it's exactly why two easy appointments took 2.5 hours. But I was patient, and my iPod, Cheerios, and a camera phone really saved us from complete meltdowns.

Other news... Haleigh loves preschool and I love the work she brings home. She's learning to draw in the lines, and she can already recognize just about every letter of the alphabet and even write a few of them.

I looked at another house last night... in a great neighborhood with a really great elementary school. It's super close to the preschool and is closer to my work. It needs some updating, but for the right price I think it's a great house.

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