Friday, August 29, 2008

Busy Busy

I was waiting to update until I had some good pictures to share, but I have a minute now so I'll throw something together.

The kids are well... Haleigh is coming home today after spending the week with her grandparents up north. Hayden and I missed her really a lot. She starts preschool next Tuesday, just two mornings a week. I think she's really excited.

Hayden has been sick for about a week now... a fever is his only symptom. Hopefully these antibiotics the dr. gave us will start to work soon. He turned one year old a couple of weeks ago, and has started babbling like crazy. He has his own little language. No walking yet, but cruising around holding onto things like crazy. He has six teeth now, and eats anything and everything. Dry cereal is his favorite.

Hayden and I looked at a few houses last night, and found one we really like. Going back this weekend to take another look. So exciting!

Some not-so-good-quality cell phone pics...

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