Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm sleepy today

Up way late with the boy last night... the little teething monster. I think he's getting one on top and one on the bottom too, so he's just a painful drooly mess. The Tylenol did nothing, and sucking on the binky made it hurt more apparently, but no sucking = no sleep. So we paced the apartment and took a bath and sang lullabyes and sucked on cold wet washcloths... well Hayden did that part anyways.

Some good news... Haleigh is done with pacifiers! (Read: This Is A Big Deal) We went cold turkey two nights ago and last night was a breeze. The "Binky Fairy" came and took her binkys and gave them to new little babies that need them. She bought it haha.

Today is just otherwise blah. The weather is dreary, I feel like I'm disappointing people left and right, and sometimes I feel like I don't deserve what I've been blessed with. Sometimes. I just want everyone to be happy and be able to have everything they want. *sigh*

I start the new job next week though, so things should start looking up :) I am super excited about that.

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