Monday, May 19, 2008

Hide-And-Seek with a Rookie

Haleigh has never played real hide-and-seek before. I can tell they play at the babysitter, but mostly they just run around and scream. She doesn't know the 'rules' about being quiet and hiding until found, then running for 'base.' But she does know how to sit and count with her eyes closed, so we started there.

Me: okay you sit here and count to 10. Hayden and I will hide and you come find us, okay?!
Haleigh: OKAY!

I go sit on her bed with Hayden and wait.

Haleigh: ONE... TWO... FREEEEE!!! READY NOT HERE I COME!!! (yes she is yelling the entire time)

She finds us, squeals, and runs for the chair (base).

Me: Okay, now it's our turn. We're gonna count to 10 and you go hide! Stay there and be quiet until we find you, okay?!
Haleigh: OKAY!!
Me: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10! Ready or not here we come!

(Hayden is loving all of this and keeps whooping and squealing with excitement as I run around the apartment carrying him)

Me: (peeking into kitchen and talking softly to Hayden) Hmmm... I wonder if she's in the KITCHEN?
Me: ...
Me: ssshh! You are HIDING
Haleigh: OKAY! (GIGGLE)
Me: (peeking into the bathroom) Is she in the bathroom, Hayden?
Haleigh: NO!!! I. AM. IN. MY BED. ROOOOM! (getting annoyed)
Me: (whipping around the corner and scaring the bejezus out of her) HERE YOU ARE!
Haleigh: (SQUEAL!) MOMMM YOU SCARED ME! (insert Look of Death)
Me: ...
Haleigh: LET'S DO IT AGAIN!!!

So I stood with Hayden inside the doorway of my closet this time, and he kept trying to peek out and look for her. He'd peek and then giggle and wiggle, totally anticipating her coming to look for us. His laughing gave us away and she found us quick. And then she'd take her turn to hide. In exactly the same spot as we had just picked. Every time.

But it never got old :)

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