Saturday, December 29, 2007

Workin' on a Saturday

Tim Horton's for breakfast... sausage sandwich, chocolate glazed donut and hot chocolate! Don't want to think about that anymore. But it was goood. I need to have more control on the drive to work so I don't stop anywhere for breakfast!

We're having lunch from the new restaurant next door today. I think I'm getting chicken strips because none of the salads sound good, and they're always too big anyways.

I haven't put up a starting weight yet... I will soon. Probably on the 1st to make it nice and easy. I'll also list my debt out, but my budget will have to wait a few days until I talk with the boss about my 2008 salary.

**Updated to add-
The chicken strips were horrid and the fries were even worse. Probably not eating there again. I'll stick with the little sports bar across the street! Oh, and I had a chocolate chip cookie this morning to tide me over since boss was taking forever with his client and ordering lunch was nowhere in sight.

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