Friday, June 6, 2008

So Many Happenings

Finally able to be online again. No internet at home, and training at my new job meant no internet on my breaks or anything for a few weeks. Nice to be back. I have 436 unread blog posts in my feed reader. I kinda just want to hit 'mark all read' and start over!

So I have a new job, closer to home, fewer hours, more $$, better mission, more challenging work. Really couldn't be any better. I've had my eye on this job for years and it finally all just fell into place :) I also joined the ranks of soccer moms everywhere and bought my first minivan last weekend. It's a fun burnt-orange color and we all love it. Well, the kids love the DVD players, and I love the quiet.

Our roadtrip, two weekends ago, by the numbers:
448 - miles driven, round trip
448 - deer spotted along the way, both dead and alive (seriously, at least one every mile, stupid deer)
2 - successful potty stops on the way up
5 - snacks and drinks distributed
88 - creative answers to the questions, "Whatcha doin' Mommy?" and the inevitable "Are we at Michigan yet?"
32 - wild turkeys chased off the driveway upon our arrival
1 - super duper cute and adorable 8 week old baby raccoon named Niko
8 - total hours slept all weekend, due to a not-so-sleepy baby named Hayden
1 - barefoot hillbilly playing in the dirt all weekend (not me this time)
3.5 - hours of quiet on the drive home, since we left Haleigh up there for the week!
All together a good trip. Haleigh came home Friday. She always runs around like a maniac and says she loves my carpet when she comes home from up there. They have soft plushy carpet so berber is quite a different feeling. Silly girl.