Though the weather was super crappy and I think I've got a cold now, we had a great weekend!
Friday night I brought home our office-cat from work. We have new motion sensors in the office so she can't be left to roam at night anymore, and I didn't want to put her in a kennel for the weekend. So she came home with me. She's pretty much adopted me as her person anyway - she lies on my desk ALL DAY at work. I knew my cats Shan and Belle would have an issue with a new cat, so I put them in the basement for a few hours and let Lily check out the house. Then I let the other cats out so they all could meet. Well, they chased Lily upstairs and didn't let her come down until Sunday morning. I set her up with food and a box though, so she just hung out in Haleigh's princess castle tent (awww) until Shanahan settled down enough to tolerate her. Sunday morning, I found all 3 cats in my bed with me, so I guess things will be okay.
Friday night I also decided that Hayden would have to learn to put himself to sleep in his crib - 15 months of rocking and co-sleeping is enough! I had been spending about an hour rocking him, only to put him in his crib and have him wake up two hours later, and then have to bring him to bed with me to avoid spending another hour rocking him back to sleep... then when I get up at 5:30, he would either wake up with me or I'd have to leave him sleeping in my bed and worry about him trying to get out while I'm in the shower because he would wake up if I tried to sneak him into his crib.
So, Haleigh went to bed easy at 8:30, and around 9 I could tell Hayden was ready. So I read a story, kissed him goodnight, and put him in his crib. He immediately stood up and started screaming, but I shut the light off and left. He was furious and screamed, stomped, shook his crib, banged on the wall, threw his blankets and binky, and acted like he was freaking dying, but I stood my ground and did the SuperNanny thing where the first time, I told him nite-nite again and I love him, and see you tomorrow. That made him even more angry. The second time I went in, I just said nite-nite Hayden, layed him down, covered him up and left. I did that a couple more times, and after 40 minutes he stayed down, gave a big sigh and was quiet. He woke up once during the night, probably to see if I'd come get him, but I just comforted him, made sure he had his binky, layed him down, covered him up, and left. I heard him sit up and whine a bit, but then he was quiet and he slept until 8am!
Saturday, we lounged around in the morning, eating donuts and bananas and watching movies. Then I babysat the best kiddos ever from 11a to 11p... I had four babies, three and under! It was fun though, and they all got along brilliantly. Around 2pm, Hayden desperately needed a nap, so I just told him it was naptime, layed him down in the crib and left, and surprisingly he went right to sleep! So I tried it again at bedtime, and it worked! He now puts himself to sleep! Freedom!
Sunday, we really lounged around all morning... we didn't even get dressed until after lunch :) I cleaned up around the house while Hayden napped (again with the good sleeping!!), then we picked up C and headed out to buy hats and gloves for the kiddos (they are soooo cute), and to get Hayden's hair cut. He did pretty well... the lady made the mistake of praising him too early though and he started to get bored. She wasn't that good with little boy cuts, and it's kind of too long on the top, but at least it's cleaned up on the sides and back. Looks good enough. Then we headed over to get photos taken with my family. I hope they turned out well... it "sounded" like they will be great because the guy really had Hayden giggling.
Then we went to Red Robin for dinner with my parents and brother, where Haleigh devoured the spaghetti I promised her, and Hayden discovered he loves canteloupe. The kids got balloons, we headed home, had baths, we all rocked out to some Guitar Hero, the kids went to bed early (no rocking! no crying!), I coaxed Lily down from upstairs to watch the Toledo Extreme Makeover Home Edition with me, and then I went to bed early to hopefully get rid of this cold!